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Chen Hao posted on 19 Jan 2018



  1. 将每个月获取的最有价值的资讯(评估标准以会改变自己行为,值得投入更多时间为准则)整理在blog上,所以每天审视自己获取的信息,一周抽一个时间来反思整理,一个月总结一次(用slack每天定时提醒)。
  2. 狠狠的训练自己的口语,资源锁定在effortless English。
  3. 用AWS做一个产品级别的side project。为下一个机会做准备。
  4. 预测未来值得深入学习的方向:深度学习的多维度运用,量子计算机原理和编程,区块链(基于stock psychology 的跟风运动),云计算的培训和企业级运用,语音交互,AR交互。


Hype Cycle and Technology Adoption

人们对新技术的预期接收程度大致上有一定的规律,这个规律被总结成两条曲线:Gartner Hype CycleTechnology Adoption Lifecycle。区块链无疑是一个很有前景的技术,看看下面这个图再联想下最近几年互联网的发展,以及最近区块链的发展,你会坚信历史会再次遵循同样的规律。

Although the Gartner Hype Cycle and the Technology Adoption Lifecycle / Crossing the Chasm model measure different phenomena, they are related in time and by human beings’ reactions to the introduction of new technologies. The examples used above show how the two models succeed as descriptive models as long as the time frames mapped between them are well understood, and suggest that one could use these models to help make investment or product planning decisions. reference

上图来自2017年The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies对新技术的分析,区块链已经接近peak of inflated expectations的尾声,所以现在加入还算是early adopter。当然,不投自己不懂得,不投超过自己所能负担的,discipline and patience,所以先学习下BlockChain Demo

Market Capitalizations

前不久区块链的总市值突破700billion,新年将至,套现回家过年的中国人民给市场带来了一个不小的调整😝,目前总市值在550 billion左右,有小道消息报道今年会有更多的hedge fund注入到区块链市场,估计今年市值会进到trillion级别,如果是真的,那么,那么就赶紧掏腰包买币了。

News Resources

如果对比一下这几年google上bitcoin的搜索热度和bitcoin的市场价格,你会惊奇的发现他们的相关度是如此的高。也就是说目前的区块链的市场是被大众的情绪所主导的。读过这两本书「The Psychology of the Stock Market」,「 Principles: Life and Work」也就对这一现象不会惊讶了。所以知识就是力量,是真的。怎么证明,能拿来赚钱是不是就更有说服力。看看这个Giving a twitter bot ability to predict bitcoin value based on historical data,还有这样一个很有意思的公司santiment


Trading Methods and Strategies


这遍文章是目前读过最好的炒币攻略Elaborated: Trailing Profits & Trading Objectives,截了一些图过来,方便回顾:

除了看看简单的candel stick走势图和depth,试试EMA(Expontential Moving Averages),分分钟甩开吃瓜群众。

Generally the zone between EMA 100 and 200 is buy zone. That means IF EMA 100 is above EMA 200. It is the same in a bear trend when EMA 100 is below 200, then the zone between those EMAs is a strong sell zone.


  • trading the breakout - scalping, enter with a considerable position size, only for a tiny movement of 0.5% or so.
  • trading the leg - the whole up movement before we see any correction
  • trading the trend - do not bother about smaller movements, they are in for the long haul and have the patience and understanding of the market to hold a position for a very long timeframe without being tempted to sell before their target is reached

关于trading the leg,下面的方法不可不学啊!

Game of Thrones


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