2018年2月-Kondratieff Waves, Web 3.0, 套路和铺垫
Chen Hao posted on 17 Feb 2018Kondratieff Waves
- 【全球股市大跌,财富大势骤然清晰!你再不懂就晚了!】 by 周金涛
- 【未来五年在中国最赚钱的不是股市、房地产,而是……】 by 吴晓波
Bridgewater创始人Ray Dalio关于经济周期有个很经典的解释动画,推荐一下How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio。
Predicting the future is useless, but what and how guidance for daily activity matters. – Ray Dalio
cryptocurrency and Money
所以行动才是力量,这不,上个月就砸了一笔钱到币圈,为了搭上区块链的末班车。可惜好景不长,这个月来了个大跳水,简直不忍直视,好了,提醒自己patience and discipline,多么难得的实战学习经验。有那闲工夫后悔没能晚点买,还不如好好学习学习,I will tell you exactly what is going on here, this is critical information to understand if you are going to make money in this space. How prices work, and what moves them - and it’s not money invested/withdrawn,这篇文章你值得好好读上十遍。
也顺便看看老板发来的Money creation in the modern economy。
Web 3.0
区块链不仅改变了金融业,也撬开了互联网的新时代,传说中的Web 3.0, 你准备好了吗?Why the Web 3.0 Matters and you should know about it
- 所有信息都是加密传播,第三方无法窃听。窃听风险(eavesdropping)
- 具有校验机制,一旦被篡改,通信双方会立刻发现。篡改风险(tampering)
- 配备身份证书,防止身份被冒充。冒充风险(pretending)
There are three types of SSL certificates that offer 3 levels of user trust for SSL/TLS negotiations:
- Domain Validated certificates (DV)
- Organization Validated certificate (OV)
- Extended Validation certificates (EV).
Following this post get free DV SSL certificate from Cloudflare, I added SSL for my personal website. Actually it is quite easy, Firstly, I changed my website’s nameserver from DNSPod to Cloudflare on my domain registrar GoDaddy, then I updated my DNS records on Cloudflare.
- All the Benefits of CloudFlare Without Having to Turn Over Your Private SSL Keys
- Keyless SSL: The Nitty Gritty Technical Details
DNS Records
说到DNS record,就需要了解下集中常见的记录类型:
- A: 将域名指向一个IPv4地址
- AAAA: 主机名(或域名)指向一个IPv6地址
- CNAME: 一个域名指向另外一个域名,实现与被指向域名相同的访问效果
- MX: 建立电子邮箱服务,将指向邮件服务器地址
- TXT: 可任意填写,一般做一些验证记录时会使用此项
- SOA: SOA记录用于在众多NS记录中那一台是主服务器
- NS: 域名解析服务器记录
比如,想创建一个subdomian就是简单的添加一个A record or CNAME record。How do I create a subdomain for my domain
whois能够用来快速查看一个域名的DNS信息,更酷一点就看这里DNS 原理入门。
Certificate Signing Request (CSR code)
如果需要给网站用上EV SSL(就是让你的网站在浏览器中显示为高贵的绿色的SSL),那么就免不了搞个CSR了。What is CSR?
CSR code contains:
- organization - who applies for an SSL certificate
- domain - what needs to be secured
- public key - CSR code with the public key are generated out of the RSA private key
Public and private keys are related in such a way that only a public key can be used to encrypt messages, and only the corresponding private key can be used to decrypt them. Therefore, after the RSA key and CSR code are generated, you can use the CSR code for the certificate activation through your account with us. In the meanwhile, the private key should remain secret and be stored on the server, it will be needed for the certificate installation on the server and will be used to decrypt the information encrypted with the public key. CSR generation instructions
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